Does Valentine's Day Foster love or Ignite passion?
V alentine's Day, a day that is generally celebrated by young people, is once again on February 14. Along with it, Kiss Day, Breakup Day, Propose Day, and Missing Day are all celebrated during this month . It would be appropriate to know the origin of Valentine's Day, which is widely believed to have been created to exchange flowers, gifts , and greetings between lovers and to express love to each other. Although history testifies that there have been many Christian martyrs named Valentine in history, the fact is that Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in the name of a bishop named Valentine, who was imprisoned for helping to arrange the marriage of men and women who loved each other and was killed by Emperor Claudius in AD 270. At that time, Claudius, who found that married men were less interested in war, banned marriage in Rome through a strange law. Bishop Valentine, who firmly believed that the law of the living God should be followe...