Are They Really Wrong?

As the human beings we have the weakness that we often look to the errors of others than their good qualities; whereas we always try hard to show our fame before others. For this we are ready even to boast. Often we try to achieve the goodwill among others. This is surprise that in order to be popularized some people are ready even to kill others. As human beings a thrust for being known by others or being appreciated by others is always following us. But the most shame matter is that to certain extend we cannot accept others or we cannot accept the good qualities of our neighbors. Moreover we are always more concerned with their simple mistakes and often we find joy to speak about our neighbor’s minor short comings with others. Why do the people behave such a way? People try to satisfy their own selfish needs; where as they simply shut their eyes towards the needy ones. Why don't we understand the reality that as we have, others also have their egoistic mind? Why do not we respect others power to achieve something for their own? Often we are ready to say anything before anybody what is related to our rights and power. But we do care nothing to preserve others powers. In the society we are afraid of those people who are more strengthen where as we exploit or simply neglect the people who have less strength. For e.g. if a child steals a piece of bread from a shop, most probably he may be beaten black and blue; and there after he may be known as a thief in whole his remaining life. Perhaps what he done was only to satisfy his hunger and taste. But nobody cares his bodily needs yet there are more people to blame and to insult him. If had we care his needs and help him he would not commit that small crime. We cannot judge one or make him/her away by the light of only a negative deed from him/her. Sometimes we may see a person who steals something from somewhere. Then our natural tendency is that to seal him/her as a thief or as a robber whole his/her span of life. Perhaps what he/she done wrong may have the first time in his/her life. We do not know with which mind he/she has committed that mistake. Sometimes he might not have done this before. But we, the poor in heart try to see him/her always as a culprit. Only because of us they lose their name. As long as he/she is being watched and considered as a bad person or a culprit, he/she cannot perform any good thing in the community or the society. Surely through this way the community creates a block in his/her path of growth. Whereas this community can help to his growth, provided the community forgets his errors and co-operates with him towards virtues life.Jesus Christ says to lover others in such a way that you like to be loved by others or as you love yourself. How do you love yourself? In spite of all your weakness, difficulties, mistakes and problems you love yourself. That means you accept or tolerate to your weakness in the same way you behave to your talents or to your qualities. When you go for a meeting you like to get a good place, when you are in a hotel you need the best food, when you are in the midst of the people you need accept an honor and you try to get even the people’s special consideration too. Like this every individual likes or wishes. But have you ever understand the reality that your neighbor too is having a mind as you have? How is your transactions with the fellow human beings who are having a mind and body as you? If you examine yourself you can understand that your love in the heart is more selfish or self centered. Bu the important thing is that you expect the real love from others. How do you get the love unless you give it back? You often fail to understand that you get real love from others only when you it others. As I wish others also are wishing to love trough our words and deeds. This world is changing very fast together with everything and every being. Like that you and I are also changing day by day and time to time and we are growing in some way. But quite often we do not understand the reality. Of course you will certainly agree with me if I say about physical growth. But our ideas, convictions, and mind are growing very fast. So I am not the same person whom I was yesterday. There are many movements taken place in my personality within one day. I am not with the same ideas and convictions of life today which I had yesterday or last month. Sometimes my behavior pattern also might have been changed from yesterday, It may be positive or negative; same as the case of all men only because they also are human beings. So I have no right to nether judge others nor to behave them with prejudice. If they change from their bad behavior who am I to judge them considering their past faults? If we saw a person stealing something yesterday, only because of that incident we cannot seal him as a robber or as a thief today, remember the reality that he had a whole day to renew his life pattern and to emprise a virtuous life. So in no way we can simply judge a person or make him/her away from our love...


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