Role of Jesus’ Mother in Cana (John 2:1-12)

Mother of Jesus first appears in the Forth Gospel in Cana. And only through her intersession Jesus perform the first sign there. We see the mother of Jesus introduces her son to the world at the beginning of his public ministry. What does it mean? Jesus says that his hour has not yet come. John 2:4. But still his mother tells to the servants to do whatever Jesus tells to them. It means only Mary the mother of Jesus knew who really Jesus is. Mary had the pre-knowledge about her son. As we go through this passage we see that both mother and Jesus speak different things or we can see that their conversation is not in a logical manner. At the beginning of the conversation Mary says to Jesus “Son they do not have wine” John 2:3. Then the reply of Jesus is “What to me and to you, woman? My hour is not yet come” John 2:4. Jesus is not answering to the conversation of mother Mary in a logical way; rather he is speaking about something else. As we go further, Mary leaves the conversation with Jesus and tells the servants there to do as we demands from them. Like a drama the conversation progresses. Anyway what was in the mind of Mary was that his son only can intervene there. He only can help them from that tragic and humiliating experience.  It was the first sign Jesus performed in Cana before his m other’s presence.  From there onwards we see the presence of mother Mary in various times in the Gospel. Mary who appear in the wedding feast in Cana is a woman with full of faith. Only her faith compelled Jesus to perform a miracle in Cana though his hour was not yet come. Secondly it was the presence of Mary which gave strength and courage to Jesus to perform the first sign. The same Mary was there in Calvary as a courage giving presence to his son at the time of his death. Her presence is mentioned all throughout the gospel; and after the death of Jesus through Mary’s presence was a comforting presence to the disciples and especially the beloved disciple of Jesus.



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