Be Like Children

Many of the thinkers qualify child as the father of the man. How did this principle arise? What is the specialty or the peculiarity of a child than grownups? In order to answer this question, first of all we have to think about the virtues in the tender mind. Nobody but little children keeps an ever purified heart. ‘There is no bad thought in children’s mind’ many of the religions encourage people to become like children in order to liberation or heaven. Let us think about the purity of the heart…as we are growing, we somehow willingly or unwillingly loose the innocent of the heart. After that we are pretending as good persons or even as great men. But really where is our position in the order of morality? As we look backwards we understand that we are very far from the children’s attitude. Where did we fall error? Whom to blame to blame to our mistake? Only we ourselves made the mistake; the fall from the children’s nature happen only by our own error. Only one remedy is there that is nothing but to go back to the old love and mental attitude. Give up your egoistic attitude then learn from a child often it can help you more than grownups. The second quality of the child is that it does not prolong its anger or hatred. It forgives or forgets everything very soon. Only because of that it can behaves to everyone with equal mind. It does not make away any of the persons for long. As the result it lives always free. But in the case of the mature person, his or her heart may be always burns with hatred and anger. So that they cannot even to speak with others freely or open minded...


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